Mana whakahaere — Responsible procurement

We have a responsibility to choose suppliers who operate in a sustainable way.

Sudima Hotels works with partners and suppliers who support our values ensuring they are reflected in all that we do. We give mana to our places, people and communities by choosing our supply chain responsibly to safeguard and ensure a wealth of resources for future generations.

Ethical Supply Chain

We are strongly committed to responsible procurement. For us, this includes considering the effects of our purchasing choices on human health, environment and society. We are choosing to vote with our pockets and make a change in our society, asking our suppliers to commit to our Responsible Procurement Pledge.

• Objective 11: Reduce material consumption and use products from sustainable sources with transparent and ethical supply chains.


We’re well down the path of removing all single-use plastic from our properties and will continue to eliminate its use. Our journey is not only about us though; we’re calling on our suppliers and the wider hospitality and tourism industry to collaborate with us and work together. We are leading the way in New Zealand by committing to initiatives like the Global Tourism Plastic Initiative (GTPI) and aligning with organisations like the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.


Circular Economy

Within the tourism and hospitality sectors, plastics and waste are a significant issue. We have signed the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative (GTPI), and are committed to eliminating the plastic items we don’t need. We will innovate and adopt new products, responsible supply options and better waste management systems in order to reduce our consumption, improve our recycling performance and find alternative uses for our waste with the aim of being a zero waste business.

• Objective 12: Zero waste business.


We would like to establish a zero waste business ideally eliminating the need for recycling. It can be overwhelming, but by thinking circular, setting a target and making small changes every day, we hope to set an example so that other organisations will follow.


  • Whanaungatanga – Our People

    Before anything else, we are a people business.
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  • Kaitiakitanga — Environmental sustainability

    We have a responsibility to protect, restore and regenerate the environment we live and work in.
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  • Manaakitanga — Authentic experiences

    We are committed to reflecting care, respect and mana, alongside warm hospitality and kindness towards others.
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  • Ōhanga oranga — Ethics and governance

    We value economic well-being and prosperity for our people, community, and stakeholders. We care for and nurture their growth and success; when we thrive, the collective should too.
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